
I grew up in southern California, where everything fun is relatively nearby. My dad got me involved in a lot of high adventure sports at a young age, and now, it is all I live for. I have since added on my own interests and I’m always looking to expand my horizons. Weather is rarely an issue for me, but I can always figure out something fun to do no matter what. The only limitation is our imagination.
I have a firm philosophy that we can “adventure anywhere” and that is what I’m devoted to help others do. Too many people say “There is nothing to do here.” I disagree. Now I want to give anyone I know, or who comes across this site, some tools to expand their horizons, just as I am doing myself. I love to write about all these sort of things, because I find it hard to say it verbally. Words and pictures have a lot of power, and the goal is to motivate you to do what I have done and to motivate me to try new things.
Feel free to message me below. I look forward to hear from you!